Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Matador and Bull

If you're looking for a blog about actual bullfighting, this isn't it. I'm sorry, you're looking for the blog down the hall. My blog here is about my relationship with Boyfriend and how he and I are making it work in spite of having almost nothing in common. In hindsight, our matador and bull interactions are generally ridiculous, but maybe my rear view mirror is just skewed. We take turns, one of us taunts the other with a red cape until the bull takes the bait and charges at the matador. Is it bullfighting or bull riding where their testicles are in a vice? No matter, there are no gonads being tortured here. Not literally.

I know he can be stupid, and I know I can be stupid, and I know there are times when we're definitely stupid together and neither of us realize. And for some reason we both think we're always right. Le damn (that's my Canadian french, fyi). I want to capture the stupidity in writing and cop to both our successes and shortcomings.

The cliff notes: Boyfriend and I have been dating for almost three years now. Probably once a week we marvel how neither of us has killed the other...yet. At least I marvel, we have very different ideas about most everything. He's twelve years older and likes boats, old cars, being social, news, sports, beer, nice wine and good food (this is moot, as I challenge you to find a chef out there that doesn't like good food). Boyfriend is a man's man, and that's one of the reasons I'm crazy about him. I'm the more whimsical half, I like books, daydreaming, writing, meandering, sarcasm, being alone, shopping, cereal, bad television, and walks with our mutt that go nowhere fast. Of course these are mere caricatures of us and we both have far more depth. But for blog purposes, this is who we are.

As I have no plot in my head about how the blog will advance, I'm going to write about times with Boyfriend as I remember them; I don't remember so well. No chronological order here. But we shall, for the benefit of any readers that stumble upon this, start at the beginning the next time I post. 

Time for tea,